Friday, January 19, 2007


Its feels like an Iowa winter here now. !!

Last Friday we went to town it was 48 when we left at 8 am, by 10 am we headed back home the temp dropped to 31 and it was misty pebbley snowing out! by noon the schools were closing, The small grocery store ran out of carts for the customers! I had a roast on and We were snuggling in for the long winter rest! ahahaha! ( thats why we have quilts!)


It snowed. It rained. It sleeted, the roads closed, Any and all activity was canceled on the TV. And they didn't come out till wednesday!

Hibernating here involved LOTS of quilting and hemming the tops.

I stitched 28 hours this week. Bringing the total up to 243 hrs.
We have hit the $108 mark. I still have 3 boxes of colored fabric to use on the topsides. Ive spent on backing, batting and thread.

We have 6 DONEDONEDONE!!, 3 basted, 6 tops, 6 started= 21 quilts in progress. Ill try to get Tim to help with pics of the newer ones so you can all see the colors.

Oh yes, and the news has talk of more winter on its way this weekend.
Feels like Iowa or what??


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